Immediately after you’ve been in a Las Vegas car accident, it is important to document as much
information as possible. This includes getting contact information from all drivers involved and
any witnesses who may have seen the incident. If possible, take pictures of damage to vehicles,
skid marks on the road, and other relevant evidence at the scene.
Contacting the local police department is also essential. A police officer will be able to help with
traffic control and provide an official police report about what happened during the accident. The
more documentation you can provide about your car crash will help strengthen your car
accident claim.
It is important to remember that Nevada is an at-fault state. This means instead of filing a claim
with your own insurance, you file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance. By hiring a Vegas
car accident lawyer, this will help you during your car accident case to make sure the insurance
company offers you a settlement you deserve.